Sunday 17 March 2013

Functions of F keys on keyboard and in MS Word

Find out  the function of all F's on keyboard

We everyone want to know who to windows key keyboard F -'s work? Let us learn how all F's keyboard works - 

F1 pressF1 for help in case of Windows problem.

F2F2 is usually used to change a file or folder's name (Rename) .By pressing Alt + Ctrl + F2  we can open new files in MS Word. Also print preview can be seen  in MS Word by pressing Ctrl + F2. 

F3: This is a search facility on the windows of the program. By pressing Shift + F3 we can change     lowercase or uppercase into uppercase or lowercase and viceversa in MS Word.  

F4: By pressing this key in MS Word "Last action performed" can be again repeated.By pressing Alt + F4 activated program will close.By pressing Ctrl + F4 all activated  window will close. 

F5: Microsoft Windows, Internet browser are Refreshed by pressing F5 button. In MS Word find, replace, go to window is opened. 

F6: The mouse cursor is taken to the web browser address line of the addressbar.In Ms word by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F6 one can start  active prograame. 

F7: In MS Word the grammer and is spelling is checked correctly. Caret browsing in Firefox can be turned on.In the ms word by pressing Shift + F7  synonyms, antonyms, etc. of a selected word can be seen. 

F8: Sometimes to start the operating system this key is used. For example, to run Windows in Safe Mode-this key is used. 

F9: Quarks Express 5.0-'s Measurement toolbar is opened by this key. 

F10: You can select any menu bars of a browser or active window.

F11: Browser in Full Screen appears. 

F12: ms word's key, by pressing the Save as window will open. In addition, you can save files in Microsoft Word by pressing Shift + F12. App files in ms word can be printed by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F12 .